I’ve started “another” new internet-based program. (Yes, another program, ugh – learning or dying I guess)

It is Seth Godwin’s Creative’s Workshop. It came highly recommended by a coaching friend, Lisa Orlick-Salka. The purpose of this workshop is to dedicate time to build confidence and momentum toward our creative endeavors.

My soul’s endeavors are to write a book on Pre-Crisis Leadership and build an Adaptive Leadership syllabus.

The Pre-Crisis Leadership project moves forward my thesis from Harvard around Crisis Leadership, but specific to those activities needed to adapt an organization to prevent or prepare for a future crisis.

The foundation of this work comes from Dr. Ronald Heifetz’s adaptive leadership foundation. Therefore, building a strong deliberate practice and understanding of adaptive leadership to underlay the book.

But, with my enthusiasm toward adaptive leadership, it is natural to want to teach. When in the Air Force, after becoming a combat pilot, we are sent back to teach. It is where the fundamentals are mastered.

It is Theory to Practice to Mastery.

Plus, I really enjoy teaching; and adaptive leadership changes people’s lives – it changed mine!

So… what does this mean.

It means I must write and publish (ship) it every day. At least every day for the next 100 days.

Experiment – Practice, Fail, Learn/Reflect, Begin Again!

If you are reading this blog, please comment on these future thoughts here or in an email to me on what makes sense and what needs to be reconsidered!
